Everyone Dies. And I don't mean that in an edgy " Rust Cohle" way but in a more optimistic sense. Death is something I think more people could take the time to think about in all honesty. Death provides a crucial element to life in the sense that it is the end of it and with the end of life comes this feeling of finality.
But for those of us who have felt the passing of a loved one there is always this feeling of some part of them in everything we do or something thats reminds us of them, why is that?
Bones of the Ghost Is a series focused on the hobbies, nuances, cliches, and foundations that make us who we are. The idea for this project came to me in the midst of a normal spring cleaning. I was blessed with the artist curse of not always being the tidiest and looking around at my collection of hobbies, books, and writings I had the thought "After I'm gone I wonder if anyone could piece together a good idea of who Levi Walk was based on my room alone?" Sparking the idea behind this project.
"That's all folks, so long, good luck, goodbye. Until next time, May you live until you die!"